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For the last 20 years I have traveled the world, first as an employee, later as my own boss.
International trade has not always been an obvious journey to embrace, but I soon realized that business was also (mostly) all about meeting, listening & understanding people.
People from various backgrounds, from different countries. This realization made my work, my ventures, easier, funnier and so much more meaningful.


Back in 2019 however, I also realized that traveling so much was not ideal to allow sufficient time with my sons, and I was feeling increasingly bad contributing negatively to global warming with all those trips.
I started thinking of a more local, ecological & human-oriented activity that I could start in Cyprus, where I happily reside (I am a French Cypriot).


I believe one single life is not enough to experience all of your passions if you are a curious person. Cultures, food, wine, sports, literature, theatre, nutrition, psychology and so many others, are subjects which I will never have enough time to explore as much as I would want to.


After a lot of hesitations between teaching Chinese (which is still on the list for a bit later) and doing something with the body and/or the mind, I chose to learn about massages as I felt it was a simple yet great way to just make a local, human and ecological difference. I started reading a lot about anatomy, massages, nutrition. The body has always fascinated me for its capacity to express itself, to heal itself, to simply exist and ‘talk’ to us.


While I am still active in the two companies that I founded, I am dedicating part of my time to this exciting new adventure. And as the French say ‘Qui m’aime me suive’*. So I wish that I will continue to have many followers, friends & clients who will indulge in an escape from their hectic lives, granting themselves an hour of relaxing massage in a peaceful studio, filled up with good vibes.

* Who loves me, follows me


I am always fascinated by how much people spend on futile things (mobile phones, cars, giant TVs) and how shy they get in treating themselves. Whether it is massages, psychological help or coaching sessions etc… Some people will find all of those things, a waste of money. I personally believe that taking care of yourself is a way to help others better and fill the ones around you up with positive energy, optimism and love.

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